- James Nesbitt’s Ireland will see the actor explore his homeland and offer his own personal take on Irish life, its culture, history and people. Throughout the series James will meet and engage with Irish people from all walks of life, a…
- 喧嚣的城市一隅,宽广整洁的空间内,舞蹈家佩姬·贝克(Peggy Baker)自由自在舞动着她柔美而有力的躯干。优美的音符划过她曼妙的曲线,零丁滴落,不着痕迹。她注重与环境、空间和建筑的关系,在表演时并非孤芳自赏,渴望和台下有着不同身份的观众形成互动。彼此的情感经历交融在一起,你我部分,全部浓缩汇集于她的工作——她的舞蹈之中。音乐…
- A high school student named Brett Bumpers (Michael Weston) receives a mysterious package one day. He does not know who gave it to him, but after a while he finds out that the totem within the package can give him 3 wishes. When the most beautiful girl in school, Samantha, (Alexandra Holden) invites him to dance on the …