Alcohol: No substance in the world seems so familiar to us and is so incredibly diverse in its effect. Alcohol is available everywhere and this particular molecule has the power to affect all 200 billion neurons of our human brain in com…
战后最早的组合式影片,可能是来自于法国的文字主义运动。希尔多•依苏的《论诽谤言语与永恒性》(Traite de bave et d'eternite),Treatise on Slime and Eternity,又名《诽谤言语与永恒性》Venom and Eternity (1951),运用随手取得的片段、刮损的影片、黑色银幕、闪烁画面组合而成。依苏在片中精力旺盛的旁白,也刻意地脱离同步。
When his older boyfriend loses interest in him, a filmmaker relocates to Chicago and uses dating apps to cast new lovers in an amorphous project about romantic attraction, compatibility, and attachment that his mother hates.