搜索 Ivalu

  • 19世纪中期,因纽特人生活在北美,又被称为北美的爱斯基摩人, Ningiuq和Kutuujuk是族中的长辈,也是一对好友,每当夏季来临,他们就和相邻的族人聚会,讲故事、通婚、分享食物。Ningiuq变得忧心忡忡,两件事情让他担忧:一是Kutuujuk的健康每况愈下,恐怕时日不多;另外传闻欧洲的殖民军队已经踏上美洲的土地,一旦他们到来,这里世外桃源般的生活就会被打…
  • Anna is nervous when she and her son, Tomas, arrive in the small, close-knit community of Igloolik, in the Canadian Arctic. Anna had a short-lived affair with Tomas's Inuk father when she worked in Igloolik. But Tomas, now 14 years old, was born and raised in his mother's native city of Montreal and never knew much abo…
  • 欧美剧喜剧
    Amos is a baker and aspiring illustrator; Noa is a rich and beautiful megastar. They are galaxies apart but sparks fly when their worlds collide in this hilarious, heart-warming Israeli drama.
  • 「冰原快跑人」是一则流传在"伊努特"人族群中的古老野史,冰原快跑人发生地点位在北极西界处靠近"伊葛鲁里克"的大冰原。当地游牧营帐领袖遭杀害后,群情错愕,夺得帅座的邵利更以残虐 嘲玩的方式猎杀宿敌土力马,种下日后纠葛不休的恶因。   岁月如梭,又到政权转移之际,而饮恨离世的土力马也有两个儿子长大成才,分别是…