搜索 JustinaBustos

  • 年輕時的莉莉安娜熱衷社會運動,與好友們紛紛走上街頭抗議獨裁政府的蠻橫無理,他們高調的抗爭行為很快地成為了政府的眼中釘,在遭到逮捕後,政府官員的暴力凌虐及性侵造成女孩們一生不可抹滅的痛苦記憶。三十多年後,當莉莉安娜回到故鄉烏拉圭參加兒子迪亞哥的婚禮時,面對兒子將她的過往視為「醜聞」而選擇疏遠,莉莉安娜選擇做出了一個勇敢的…
  • 恐怖片
    The nightmarish tale of two siblings cruelly separated as kids. The youngest, Elena, is confined to the world of darkness, where she leads a miserable life. While the eldest, Facundo, remains in paradise, where he lives a peaceful life as a doctor with his wife and two daughters. 25 years later, the two are reunited to…