搜索 Kacer

  • This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off f…
  • Jsem Nebe is an unsung masterpiece of Czech New Wave...
  • 伊華.舒爾姆被尊為捷克新浪潮的「哲人」和「良心」,究其原因,是他敢於直視政治和社會、抨擊其虛偽蒙騙的道德執著。首部執導的劇情片開創新浪潮鞭撻現實的風氣。年青的模範工人向來奉行為黨為人民鞠躬盡粹的信念,可制度的高壓、特權階層的跋扈使他進退兩難,不肯放棄真理,代價是喪失一切。影片以寫實的新電影觀衝擊社會主義現實主義的教條,…
  • 斯洛伐克电视版的<我们不会忘记>, 比捷克版早一点吧, 其实原著者本来就是斯洛伐克人.
  • 这是导演Frantisek Vlacil 的一部充满幻想的作品,他的前作《乱世英豪》荣登捷克电影百大榜首。故事背景是在13世纪,这部原始而强有力的诗史片通过叙述12岁小男孩Ondrej与日耳曼骑士结成手足情谊的故事来反映基督教和异教徒之间的竞争与冲突。影片中冷酷的影象让人想起爱森斯坦的巨作《亚历山大·内夫斯基》。影片中的人物被情欲的关系所摧毁,…
  • 影片故事来自米兰-昆德拉的短篇小说,由Pavel Jurácek和导演Hynek Bocan共同执笔改编,是捷克新浪潮电影中的一部重要作品。获1965年德国曼海姆-海登堡国际电影节金奖。In this Czech comedy, an art critic is hounded by a determined man who wishes to publish his manuscript about a fam…
  • Already his first shots in the depopulated, zasnezené elegant boulevard of St. Petersburg off the television film Albert unusual attention to themselves. The particular personality of Czech cinema, director Frantisek Vlácil, the creator of…