搜索 Kaloyanchev

  • 2005年索菲亚国际电影节回顾单元评选的“保加利亚影史十部最伟大影片”之一。   A large balloon suddenly appears above villages and fields and grabs the attention of the peasants. They start liking the sudden guest from nowhere for the beauty of the free existe…
  • Excellent play, 20 October 2004Author: rharbov from Ruse, BulgariaThis is an amazing comedy, based on a famous Bulgarian novel. Baj Ganyu is the name of a doltish and arrogant peddler that travels across late 19th century Europe. He falls into different comic situations as the civilized world is in total contrast with …
  • After his encounter with Giordano Bruno in 1592, Galileo convinces himself that the sun, and not the earth, is at the center of universe. The Church considers Galileo's theory a heresy, but he continues his studies in Florence, until he's arrested and tried. Standing before the inquisition court in 1633, he will sign a…
  • This black comedy is the latest from Goran Markovic, a life-long resident of Belgrade whose last film Tito and Me (1992) was the last film ever made in Yugoslavia. This black comedy masks tragic undertones as it tells the tale of the head of a Belgrade mental asylum known only as the Doctor as he tries to return his lo…
  • 旅居以色列多年的柯汉教授回到儿时的故乡——保加利亚的小城普罗夫迪夫。在这里,多年未见的故人和儿时的恋人,拉开了他回忆的闸门。本片通过柯汉教授的个人经历,触及了保加利亚社会主义时期的诸多弊端:农业合作社的失败、政治斗争的激化和宗教民族矛盾。此片将会令中国观众忆起文革之殇,有种伤感的亲切。而经历了苏联解体的保加利亚,正处在…
  • A fishing boat comes back to the port. Fishermen are crestfallen, as they have caught only one very little fish. To save face, they fib they have 300 kilo of mackerel on board the boat. In their will to report a success, the port administration decides to pad out the draught. So, the very little fish is grossly exagger…