搜索 Karpovsky

  • Two lesbian hookers wind their way through a world of bargain-hunting housewives and double-dealing conservative women in this buddy comedy, an homage to and riff on iconic male hustler films. Margaret is a down-on-her-luck hooker in training, who meets up with Jo, a beautiful and self-assured grifter from a wealthy fa…
  • Tour-de-force technique is applied to twisty romantic comedy in this elegant dissection of messy emotions. The film is divided into two 40-minute scenes, each filmed in a single, unbroken take, the first set on a Staten Island terrace, the second at a Hamptons beach house. The story follows the erratic love life of thi…
  • Chris与RJ第一次情窦初开后,已分分合合过了六年,两人情感变得更加紧密。Chris离了婚,仍自认为摩门教徒,与女儿Kaylee同住在盐湖城;RJ只身搬到波特兰,成为作家,信仰已薄弱许多。两人再次见面后,经历信仰的挣扎、遭逢家庭的巨变、顾念亲友的牵绊,面对种种冲突,最终找到了生命的归宿。
  • In this indie comedy from helmer Bob Byington, dry wit and deadpan humor abound as aptly named lyricist Harmony (Justin Rice) insists on wallowing in misery eons after being unceremoniously dumped by his girlfriend, the lovely Jessica (Kristen Tucker). While the members of Harmony's family are long over his antics, tha…
  • 你可以叫她们双胞胎,双生儿,孪生姐妹......但要记住她们有的只是一样的面孔,身体却截然不同——这对姐妹有一位是瘫痪,且要在轮椅上度过余生。拍摄于美国德克萨斯州,本片将在轻快的乡村音乐中呈献清新自然的画面和情节。