搜索 Karvan

  • 剧情片
    Hasan得知有人要在他的耕田上安装电塔,他动用手段避免这一切发生。在出发去麦加朝圣之前,他向妻子保证弥补过去的错误。 Making his living from gardening and farming in the land he inherited from his father, Hasan tries to get rid of the power pole that is going to be insta…
  • A hip, hot and sexy lesson in love!Christina (Claudia Karvan) is a school teacher from a wealthy Greek-Australian background, engaged to a lawyer and content with the traditional course of her life. She begins teaching at an inner-city working-class school and she finds her ideas challenged by the students. Involving h…
  • 讲述一个公寓保安杀死女房客的故事,影片以公寓里的“摄像头”为视角组织故事,充满了出其不意的情节变化,角度新鲜。
  • 青春旋律第二季
    Puberty Blues.青春旋律(又名:蓝调花期)讲述了两个女孩间的友情。这种强烈的友情发生在70年代男权海岛的文化背景里,充满了澳大利亚既悠闲又蛮荒的本土特色,海岛上的年轻人之间有着一种特殊的规则,不同种族之间也有一些特别的礼仪。本片获得AACTA最佳电视剧奖,这是澳大利亚电视的最高奖项。
  • 青春旋律第一季
  • 剧情片
    侦察排长沙迪克和战士巴吐鲁奉命追击玉素甫的驼队,他们扮作南疆神医哈德尔的孙子,来到古商道搜寻。 在国民党残部抢劫驼队时,他们在魔鬼城救了阿依怒尔和负了重伤的艾山,取得了女主人的信任,打入了驼队。老奸巨滑的玉素甫怀疑沙迪克和巴吐鲁,他想先下手为强。一方面逼阿依努尔害死沙迪克,一方面又调来两名土匪想暗害他们,阿依努尔设计让…
  • "In like Flynn"There was no-one like Errol Flynn. He made Casanova look like an impudent mummies boy."Flynn" the movie is about his early exploits, growing up in Australia.From the time he caught his Mother screwing some guy, that obviously was not his Dad, Errol's path was set in stone.In his teens…