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  • Moe begins dating a little person he met on the Internet, while Maggie is being bullied at the playground next to Moe's where Homer is leaving her.Season 20, Episode 16
  • A teenager who is struggling with the usual trials of adolescence also has to deal with his homosexuality in the dramatic comedy The Story Of A Bad Boy.Pauly (Jeremy Hollingworth) is a 17-year-old Catholic boy who was booted from the parochial school he attended for kissing a nun. While he has an on-and-off girlfriend …
  • Springfield's theme park Krustyland, run by Krusty the Clown, is opening it's newest roller coaster, the upsy-downsy spins-aroundsy teen-operated thrill ride is opening, and in this ...http://www.renrendianyingwang.cn
  • 《辛普森一家20周年3D特别版》节目,该片由获得奥斯卡提名的电影制作人摩根斯普尔洛克(Morgan Spurlock,《超级汉堡王》、《厄夜三十》)担任制片和导演。这部特别版的纪录片将为“永远的辉煌20年”活动画上一个圆满的句号,这项长达一年的全球性的庆祝活动开始于2009年1月,并将在20周年系列剧首映时达到高潮。在《辛普森一家20周年3D特别…