- 人気シリーズ第3弾。ゴルフ場用地で所有者の1人が変死。土地買収のトラブルか、財産狙いか?元刑事のタクシー運転手・夜明が巧妙な犯罪に挑む。「元警視庁捜査一課の警部補だった夜明日出夫。現在は刑事を辞めしがないタクシードライバー。妻とも離婚し一人娘のあゆみと会える日を楽しみにしている。そんなある日、元同僚の神谷から依頼を受け…
- A woman whose father is a public servant travelled and moved often as a child and hence was raised in Kagoshima, Okinawa and even Taiwan. Following her high school graduation she married a man from a rich family, but the man neither liked his father nor accepts money from him. Instead he works as a teacher. She had gro…
- This is a wonderful documentary movie about Butoh-dancer-legend Kazuo Ohno. I hesitated to upload it for a long time because my TV-rip isn't of very good quality and I was always waiting Arte would show the movie again so I could record it again in higher quality. But well, I am sure some people like to see the film an…