搜索 Kelo

  • <p>  已年届中年的玛丽·琼斯(阿纳茜塔茜亚·希尔 Anastasia Hille 饰)是一名电影制片人,但在她光鲜的外表下却有着鲜为人知的过去。她最早出生在俄国,尚在襁褓时便被美国一户人家收养。随着一封遗嘱的到来,玛丽终于启程回到未知而神秘、陌生又熟悉的故乡。遗嘱中她俄国父母业已双亡,作为唯一的合法继承人,玛丽即将拥有父母的家产…
  • 战争片战争
  • Kelor Kirti is a fun filled ride with a bunch of young couples. This comedy of errors involves an enchanting woman entering the couples' lives, leading them to confusion. They are all caught up in misunderstandings and humorous situations, which end in chaos.
  • Which of the great primates of 25 million years ago is our common ancestor? Is it pierolapithecus? In this CuriosityStream original film, follow the journey of primates, developing into homo erectus and then to homo sapiens, through millions of years of evolution and thousands of miles of migrations   央视译制版 分两集 1集约40分钟
  • 未来世界,人类社会已经进化到极其先进的阶段。他们利用人工智能机器人投入反恐以及打击犯罪的战争中去,但是人性中的丑恶促使先进的科技手段偏离了初衷。人工智能机器人的部队逐渐壮大,它们和人类间的战争全面爆发。如何才能终结当前的一切?这是一个极其严峻的问题。为了活下去,人们被迫选择人机结合的模式,生命和机械之间的界限渐次模糊,…
  • Documentary following writer and broadcaster Stephen Smith on the trail of Vladimir Nabokov, the elusive man behind the controversial novel and 1962 film, Lolita.The journey takes him from the shores of Lake Geneva to Nabokov's childhood haunts in the Russian countryside south of St Petersburg to the streets of New Yor…