搜索 Kianian

  • A man and a woman fight over the rights to a property.
  • 2006年法国南特三大洲电影节展映作品   片名就是一道伊朗菜名,故事也以一閒伊朗餐館的廚房和裏面做菜的四個單身女人為中心。在這個女人出門都要裹像粽子的國家,這閒樸實的廚房是她們獨立自主的天堂。並不大的空間擺放著鍋物,食材和女人們親手做的醬料,她們一邊做菜,一邊嬉笑怒罵,花痴般的討論男人和自己老掉牙的戀愛史,從廚房裏端出一…
  • The Glass Agency is the story of a war veteran living in post war Iran. It depicts veterans who are suffering from social problems after the war. Society does not understand them and the standard social norms are not in harmony with their personalities. Written by Jerome
  • 《穆合塔尔书(Mokhtarnameh)》是一部取材于穆合塔尔•塞盖菲(Mukhtar Thaqafi)生平、由Sima Film(伊朗)出品的电视剧。超过140名演员参演。穆合塔尔•塞盖菲是什叶派穆斯林领袖,他于公元686年在库法城(Kufa)领导了一场为殉难的伊玛目侯赛因(Hussein(AS),穆罕默德的外孙)复仇的起义。主演包括Fariborz Arabnia,Re…
  • During the Iran-Iraq war, Reza's wife gives birth, and dies soon afterward. Reza is taken as POW. Shokooh finds Reza's baby and raises her as her own. Many years later, Reza find's his daughter again...