- Thomas and Thomas are going through a rough patch: they are both thirty-something actors living in Paris. They randomly decide to leave the city and fly away to Kullorsuaq, one of the most remote villages of Greenland, where Thomas' father Nathan lives. Among the Inuit community, they will discover the charms of the lo…
- 每年全世界各地各个年年龄阶层的过节的人们聚集到丹麦Roskilde市郊外的荒郊野岭,来加入这个人类共同,欧洲最大,最神圣最荣耀的音乐盛典,释放人性粗狂的一面。平日荒芜的田野变成充满能量的音乐殿堂,你心醉神迷,飘然欲飞,跨越所有的界限。影片从音乐家,志愿者和观众的角度来充分体验音乐节的魅力,领略FranzFerdinand, Placebo…
- Denmark in the darkest Middle Ages. The King decides that his son Valdemar must travel to Bishop Eskil to get an education. Meanwhile he and his knights have to go off to war. Aske, the kitchen boy, soon becomes the prince's best friend. The boys unexpectedly come across a secret meeting in the woods, lead by Bishop Es…
- In December 2001 the world's media focused on the small town of Fargo, North Dakota, where the body of Takako Konishi was found in the woods by a hunter. The media reported that she had left Japan with the misunderstanding that the Coen brother's "Fargo" really was a true story and that there was a stash of m…