搜索 Kishori

  • <p>  马汉(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是一名工作和生活在美国的印度人。常年过着和家人分离的生活,马汉感到十分寂寞,非常想念在故乡生活的乳母。某日,他决定踏上返乡的旅途,然而到达目的地后才发现物是人非,他的乳母早已经前往了一个名叫“脚印之地”的村庄。于是,马汉再度上路。<br/>  途中,马汉邂逅了名为吉特…
  • 爱情片生活
    薇拉·菲利普斯(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰)和凯特琳·托马斯(西耶娜·米勒 Sienna Miller 饰)在对天才诗人迪伦•托马斯(马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰)爱的沦陷中构筑着深厚的友谊。一方面,薇拉是托马斯青梅竹马的灵魂之友,初恋 相逢却终因托马斯的无法专情而嫁给军官威廉姆·克里克(希里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy…
  • <p>  凯利(达芙妮•祖尼加 Daphne Zuniga 饰)是一个非常喜欢跳舞的奔放女孩,然而,她的父母却希望她能够进入法学院深造,非常不支持凯利去实现她的舞蹈梦想。在和家人因为梦想而爆发了无数次的争吵后,凯利渐渐萌生了放弃梦想的年头。<br/>  在父母的强迫下,凯利前往印度参加一场婚礼,在婚礼现场,凯利第一次领略到了印度…
  • After the tragic passing of his Goa-based girlfriend, Anna Gonsalvise, Rajiv Saxena loses his mind, and is institutionalized in Our Lady's Home for the Mentally Challenged. After recovering, he is discharged, is shunned by Anna's father, Peter, and even prevented from visiting her grave. Depressed, he attempts to kill …
  • Dajiba is a straight-forward and god-fearing farmer.His wife, Rukhmini, is very proud of the Marathi culture. She has two , yet to be married sisters, Sharu and Netra. She is searching for two Marathi boys for her sisters.But the two younger sisters fall in love with Non - Maharashtrian boys. When Rukhmini comes to kno…
  • After Mrs. Chaudhary passes away, her husband asks his son, Nirmal, to study medicine, become a doctor, and live in a small village to help patients who are unable to travel great distances to see a medical professional. Nirmal follows his father's advise, becomes a doctor, and starts his practice in Nand Gaon. He meet…
  • The idea behind Ya Rab is to show how Islam has been used as a tool to propagate terrorism. The film focuses on issues where so called self proclaimed Maulanas (Islamic Preachers) misinterpret The Quran and its real meaning to breed terrorists and terrorist activity. Ya Rab is a genuine effort to show the right face of…
  • Disney 原创纪录片系列《我的成长路》,创新嘅电影制作手法,将十位新生代自我发现及寻找认同的成长故事,活现于观众眼前。
  • 发际红
    安塔利斯(布拉钦乔汗 Prachin Chauhan 饰)和德鲁(萨钦·什罗夫 Sachin Shroff 饰)是情同手足的兄弟,两人出生于一个非常富裕的家庭之中。安塔利斯因为身体上的缺陷而常常遭到他人的嘲笑,为了挣回这个面子,兄弟两人的母亲想方设法的想要将人尽皆知的大美女尼哈瑞卡(基尔蒂加埃克瓦德 Kirti Gaekwad 饰)收进家门做媳妇。尼哈瑞卡答应…
  • 动作片
    A suicide bomber loses his memory and has a bomb attached to his heart. It is up to the police officers to prevent this bomb from taking innocent lives.