搜索 Krabbé

  • 1943年,德国纳粹入侵荷兰,一场针对犹太人的灾难席卷而来。居住在阿姆斯特丹的犹太人会计师杰克•波拉克(Jack Polak)此时正为失败的婚姻所烦恼,他和妻子曼扎(Manja)时常争吵,纷争不断。在某次生日聚会上,他邂逅了宝石商人20岁的女儿伊娜(Ina Soep),即时为其所吸引。不久后,阿姆斯特丹的犹太人被纷纷遣送,巧合的是,杰克和曼扎、伊…
  • March 11, 2002. John R., a heavily-armed, 59-year-old bus driver, takes employees in the Rembrandt Tower in Amsterdam hostage. Six months after September 11, police and government officials are in a serious state of panic. The man is protesting against widescreen TV and thinks the black bars in widescreen broadcasts co…
  • 纪录片生活
    Based on the book by Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert, with Aida Harika, Edmar Tokorino, Roseane Yariana.
  • For generations the name Albert Schweitzer has been synonymous with hands-on compassion and the power of Christ-like moxia.cc sacrifice. Now director Gavin Miller presents a landmark drama about the legendary Christian medical missionary. Co-starring Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning actress Barbara Hershey as Helene…