搜索 Kruglyj

  • Appeared in the taiga misty shroud attracts people's attention and causes of vision from the past. Young scientist Lomov, who study the mysterious walls, says this phenomenon is the message of a distant civilization, and seeks ways to communicate with her. But the wall stubborn - and every attempt ends with the scienti…
  • 乌克兰女导演Larisa Shepitko因为76年那部获柏林影展四项大奖的《升华》而闻名,不过在这部69年的电视电影中她所展现出的是完全不同的风格,色彩绚烂,拼贴剪辑,实验手法。。。这是一部将歌舞剧、话剧、流行音乐、纪录片片断、停格动画、杂技马戏等等众多元素融会一体的超现实电影,也是她所有作品中最独特的一部,尽管也许算不上最好,但对于…