- Um das Rätsel zu lösen, bricht Tobi zur abenteuerlichsten Reise seines Lebens auf. Sie führt ihn an den Schlund eines brodelnden Vulkans mitten im Pazifik, tief in die Unterwasserwelt Tasmaniens, durch die Eiswüste Grönlands, bis in den G…
- Company of eleven children played baseball, and none of them wanted to take the game Fat Boy, which followed on their heels and really wanted to be their friend. After a while the guys still allowed him to play with them. But they played long. When baseball flew into the road, he ran after him. And boy hit by a truck .…
- Salvatore Ferragamo也学乖了,对比以前那几支宣传影片只有少少几百人收看的窘境,这次的爱情8连发微电影吸引了以十万人次起跳的好成绩。故事围绕在该品牌最著名的「鞋」上,男女主角相追逐在各国的大城市,包含:佛罗伦萨、洛杉矶以及上海,并庆祝Salvatore Ferragamo在2008年过80岁生日,日前以每两周一部的频率发布影片,计有8部,最近发布…
- As CFO, Alexander Meier fights for the survival of the company he works for. When Hans-Werner Brockmann the new appointed CEO, a hardliner, is appointed, Alexander gets involved in a power struggle that increasingly throws him off track. Before the ruins of his existence, Alexander sees only one possibility left to tak…