搜索 Kurtwood

  • 故事讲述的是蝙蝠侠开始在哥谭市与黑社会展开斗争,人物设定方面,除蝙蝠侠外,动画里并没有出现观众们耳熟能详的反派,而布鲁斯·韦恩和他的管家阿尔弗雷德也只是让人惊鸿一瞥而已。但就动画而言,该作动作流畅,角色醒目,制作精良,仍然堪称一部优秀的动画。 白天,他是别人眼中的无脑富二代、花花公子;晚上,他是令罪犯闻风丧胆的黑…
  • An eccentric socialite with an knack for pulling off hopelessly wild adventures struggles when she finds herself disowned by her millionaire father and abandoned by her teenage son.
  • 松鼠和男孩
    The misadventures of Andy Johnson and his best friend/pet Rodney, a self deluded squirrel who feels a constant need to include Andy in his insane and bizarre schemes.