- Broucci ('Fireflies' in Czech), is a marvelous tale, a genuine children's story written at the end of the 19th century by Jan Karafiat (1864-1929). With humor and in magical settings, the characters, fireflies, lead the viewer to discover the various stages of Silverwing's life: discovering the world around him, heedle…
- A crew of mariners, scientists and filmmakers are followed as they cast off on the Sedna IV, an oceanographic schooner, to sail around the world exploring the beauty of nature, how ecosystems work and conservation challenges facing the planet.1 The Sharks of Cocos IslandHighlighting efforts to save the sharks of Cocos …
- In this three-part series Alastair Sooke (Treasures Of Ancient Rome, Pride and Prejudice: Having A Ball) explores the riches and unique legacy of Greek art. Episode One tells the story of Greek art from its surprising, often mysterious origins, travelling from Crete to Santorini, Mycenae to Delphi. Episode Two explores…
- 《铸就世界的机器》又名《铸就美国的机器》,电视、手机、飞机、摩托车、拖拉机等机器的出现为人类生活带来了巨大的便利,也奠定了现代世界的发展基础。在本片中,观众们将会看到世界最著名的发明家们,包括尼古拉·特斯拉、威廉·哈利、亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔、邓肯·布莱克、阿朗佐·德克尔等,了解他们的竞争对手,并在他们寻求改变人类的…