- 1 波普艺术(POP)字面意思就是流行艺术.和流行音乐/文化含义一样,意义其实也类似.2 本片采访POP一堆教父级别的人物.是其他艺术运动纪录片从未有过的.3 POP用通俗的表达方法打掉了看似高雅的抽象现代艺术. 前者让大众接受, 后者更多只是个人无法理解的表现.4 POP形式上类似于推销和宣传,而本质上是使用同样手段反宣传反推销.5 POP的高潮在5…
- A group of five young friends travel from Los Angeles to exotic Panama for a week of partying in lush tropical paradise. Befriending a beautiful local woman in their hotel bar, they learn of a secret jungle hike to a pristine waterfall nearby. The woman cautions them strongly against the hike, warning that other gringo…