搜索 Leu

  • Best friends, Cas and Naomi are graduating from high school and spend every second of their days together. Within their friendship they experience a feeling of ultimate safety. But when their future plans are seemingly different, their relationship wobbles.
  • 政府秘密單位實驗室,利用一名惡名昭彰的連續殺人犯的基因,企圖製造出一群「終極殺手」,沒想到,基因改造後的殺手們竟逃出實驗基地!他們所到之處無不屍橫遍野,血腥屠殺更襲捲整個美國,只有林哥,在「神」的指引之下,他將用一把散彈鎗、一瓶威士忌阻擋殺戮再度發生!這場地獄之旅結果會是如何?這部電影有很強的血腥情色味道,又是cult片,…
  • This is the story of a neglected town halfway between where you are and wherever it is you are going. Rare is the day this toilet city has a visitor, but today is one of those days. A couple of dubious neo-hippies take a grand tour of every little shit stain the town has to offer. Snakeville is a place where all of you…
  • After years on the run, Joca is back again in town. And, to commemorate, nothing better than a night on the tiles with his good friends Nelsão and Benito. However, the happy occasion turns to a nightmare when Joca is suddenly taken ill. Wi…
  • 女演員纏繞於現實與電影世界之間;自閉音樂人面對著中年危機;年青警員因女友的去世而以自虐行為來責罰自己;老歌手為自己安排了精彩的最後一段人生旅程…… 各人的共通點是,他們都擁有一個沒有意圖與外界溝通的美好世界。直至命案發生後,結局才變得樂觀起來。
  • Paris. In a nightclub, two girls, Annie and Pascale, follow two boys. They are drugged and wake up in a boat hold.
  • 1941年12月第二次世界大戰期間,日本揮軍進攻香港,英軍及加拿大士兵等奮力抵抗,展開一場「香港保衛戰」。當年參與香港保衛戰的軍人中,包括約 2000 名加拿大兵,其中逾 550 名溫尼伯榴彈兵團 (Winnipeg Grenadiers) 及皇家加拿大來福槍團 (Royal Rifles of Canada) 戰死沙場。
  • 一个警察搭档,奉命调查一美术馆连环谋杀案的真凶
  • The Amsterdam Kill is a 1977 film directed by Robert Clouse.Robert Mitchum as QuinlanRichard Egan as RidgewayLeslie Nielsen as Riley KnightBradford Dillman as OdumsKeye Luke as Chung WeiMarsLam Ching-yingYuen BiaoYuen Wah