搜索 Levie

  • 喜剧片剧情
    麦蒂(巴里·佩珀 Barry Pepper 饰)的父亲本尼(丹尼斯·霍珀 Dennis Hopper 饰)是能够一手遮天的纽约黑帮老大,本尼希望麦蒂能够子承父业,将黑帮发展成为一种家庭文化,无奈麦蒂生来软弱胆小,就连加入黑帮的最基本测试——杀一个人都无法通过,无奈,他只得将儿子放回社会,去做一个普通人。可是,麦蒂很快就发现,由于父亲的“名声”,靠…
  •   在莎拉(Sarah)生日那天,她最好的朋友维多利亚(Victoria)给了她一套基因检测试剂盒作为礼物,以便她可以更多地了解家人的血统。但是那天晚上,维多利亚被惨死了。几周后,莎拉敲了敲门,是警察。
  •   《尸控网路》寇帝卡拉汉执导,2016多伦多暗夜恐怖电影节丶2016伦敦恐怖电影节。《变虫人》《鬼水魔咒》制片团队挖掘「消失的双胞胎」现象之谜。面对自我邪恶双生的另一面,你该任其操控,或是奋力抵抗?
  • 正當比利時國王邊打嗝邊做着非洲殖民夢,失敗商人夾帶私逃在黑色大陸醉醺醺潛入了蝸牛的夢,非裔酒店侍應扮演着白人有閒階級的煙灰缸,替人搬行李的土著墮海生還只想回家,白人青年逃兵逃到非洲森林亦盼夢醒能再會家人。五段奇異故事,以毛絨絨風格的定格動畫互相交織,獲安錫國際動畫電影節最佳法語動畫短片獎。同場加映導演前作《噢,威利…》…
  • 恐怖片恐怖
  • The McAllister family home is the setting for Gerry and Ellie's grapples with work, children, and how to get the bathroom fixed. Both have reached the stage where reason cannot be heard above the ticking clock of experience and ambition. When temptation comes, how will they react?
  • From Malpertuis disc one comes the documentary ORSON WELLES: UNCUT, directed by Francoise Levie, an assistant director on Malpertuis, who also directed the Jean Ray documentary and attempts to keep Kumel in check on his commentary track (the commentary further confirms Kumel's passive-aggresive tactic of admitting to s…
  • This French film (with English and German audio tracks) is about Paul Otlet, a Belgian Utopian little known in America. Otlet invented an international classification scheme called Universal Decimal Classification used for books, photographs and other documents. He invented microfilm. He invented the ubiquitous index c…