搜索 Ligon

  •   《超级鲨大战机器鲨》是一部科幻灾难片。影片讲述了一只新的巨型鲨鱼出现在太平洋里,使海洋安全受到了巨大的威胁,为了阻止巨型鲨带来的破坏,美国政府为此也极为头疼。他们曾经想过各种方式,最终美国政府决定用科学家近期发明的巨大机械鲨鱼来应对这只超级大鲨鱼,整个过程中机器鲨也遭到了前所未有的袭击。在科研人员操作下的机械鲨和恐…
  • Karl Vladimir Lennon J. Villalobos, aka Intoy, who is secretly in love with his friend Jenny, the most beautiful girl in the campus.Jenny is rich and quirky; Intoy is street-smart and ordinary.But this friendship is not simple, since Jenny has bestowed on Intoy some perks and privileges, including going to bed with her…
  • 恐怖片生活
    海耶斯家的三兄弟没有名字,他们的父亲只是简单粗暴的称呼他们为儿子(迈克尔·珊农 Michael Shannon 饰)、孩子(Douglas Ligon 饰)和小子(巴洛·雅克布斯 Barlow Jacobs 饰)。在决定彻底和过去告别,开始新的生活后,父亲果断的将三个男孩丢给了他们的母亲,从此人间蒸发对四人的死活不闻不问。一晃眼多年过去,曾经抛家弃子的男人,在另一…
  • A troubled young girl goes to confession at the local church. Unfortunately, the sexually frustrated priest she confesses to becomes obsessed with her. At first, the priest stalks the girl, but later it is revealed that he will stop at nothing, including blackmail and murder, just to get close to her
  • 詹姆斯·弗兰科拍摄的这部最新“同志性爱艺术电影”,是为阿尔·帕西诺的1980年争议电影“虎口巡航”(Cruising)做修复重拍。奥斯卡导演威廉·弗莱德金当年这部反映同志地下SM文化的电影由于题材惊世骇俗,被美国分级协会MPAA划入了X级片。为通过审查上映电影最后被迫删 掉了40分钟从而侥幸升级为R级片。然而删减严重影响了成片品质,金酸梅更…
  • Joe just told his boyfriend, George, that he is a serial killer. George thinks that his boyfriend, Joe, is hilarious... and he just saw Patricia Arquette at Target!!! In the horror/comedy hybrid, 'You're Killing Me', we take a look at the life and death consequences of dating in the age of incessant chatter. Joe and Ge…
  • 科幻片灾难
  • 东区恋人们第一季
    What happens after the world ends? Written and directed by award winning playwright Kit Williamson, ”EastSiders” explores the aftermath of infidelity on a gay couple in Silverlake. When Cal (Kit Williamson) finds out Thom (Van Hansis) has …
  • 东区恋人们第四季
    LGBTQ题材剧《#东区恋人们# EastSiders》在Kickstarter众筹出14万美金后,他们宣布已拍摄共六集的第四兼最终季,并会于12月1日在Netflix上线。