搜索 Longoria

  •   托马斯体弱多病,靠人血为生。他的两个哥哥——德怀特和杰西在照料他时起了争执:为了让弟弟活下去,他们身后已尽是尸体,德怀特一直在这样的现实与代价中挣扎。后来,他结识了当地的性工作者帕姆,付钱和她聊天,渴望借此摆脱梦魇,重获新生。然而,当德怀特开始疏远自己的家人,杰西也将不惜一切代价让他回家。
  • Two young men spend the night together after meeting the previous evening in a notorious gay club. The next day, however, the host wakes to find the boy he picked up bewildered and confused, unable to remember his name or anything about his past. Lacking any type of identification or obvious clues, the boys begin to se…
  • 19 November 2005 (Season 31, Episode 6)
  • 动作片
    在上集幸存下来的人被神秘的先知Shot Bus Gus所救,他似乎拥有控制这些畜生的能力,在先知的带领下,幸存者进入下水道,那可通往城市,路上他们得到了空手道专家Jean-Claude Seagal的帮助,并得知这些畜生源自一个叫"The Hive."的地方,于是他们决定发起反击,永远消灭掉这些畜生。
  • Barry Goldwater Elementary is on the brink of collapse: the lowest test scores in the state, teachers who are either drunk or having sex on school grounds, and a principal who extorts money from parents. It's up to Tom, the down-on-his-luck vice-principal, to rally the lazy teachers, expose the principal's corruption, …
  • 由荣获艾美奖的《史丹利·特治:寻味意大利》班底打造。女星伊娃朗歌莉亚寻访墨西哥六座城市,寻访墨西哥饮食文化,探秘其背后的历史、文化土壤。
  • Talented, energetic, and full of joy, Rita Moreno has been dazzling audiences for over 70 years. Whether showcased on television, film, or stage, her artistry transcends singing, dancing, and acting, as she continuously reinvents herself and pushes creative limits. Moreno is a pioneer and one of the most authentic perf…
  • 伊娃朗歌莉亚:寻味墨西哥 第一季
  • 电视剧剧情
    妹妹的婚礼让劳拉(佩内洛普·克鲁兹 饰)重新踏上了阔别已久的故土,这次和她一起回来的,还有她那一双可爱的儿女。然而,就在结婚庆典欢快的气氛中,劳拉的女儿艾琳(卡拉·坎普拉 饰)失踪了。没过多久,艾琳就接到了绑匪打来的电话,他们要求劳拉套出30万欧元的赎金,以换回姑娘的性命。直到此时,劳拉才勉强透露出了自己家中真实的经济状况…