- À l'intersection des rues St-Denis/Maisonneuve à Montréal, un nid de poule s'est dangereusement agrandi. Depuis, une étrange énergie circule, transformant l'atmosphère et les gens, créant un véritable chaos dans la métropole. Des citoyen…
- Alt Manheim is a found footage film, which is partly based on true events. A whole village seems to hide behind a dark secret. At first glance, many abandoned and barricaded houses give the impression that life was once thriving in this small little town. A young reporter, Mara, along with her cameraman Maik, decide to…
- B-24轰炸机在第二次世界大战中被称为“隐身美女”,它在二战期间从达尔文起飞,目的是完成历史上最长的轰炸使命,以阻止日本在南太平洋的进攻。1943年,“隐身美女”和另外10架飞机一起并驾齐驱,攻击位于婆罗洲巴厘巴板的石油精炼厂。由于目标位于后方数百英里,很多人认为这是一次自杀式的任务。在其飞行过程中,“隐身美女”在密集的热带暴雨…
- The owner of a fish-and-chips shop in the Billingsgate area of London harbors a secret ambition: to become a movie star. It turns out that she has a beautiful singing voice, and when that fact comes to the attention of a movie studio, it begins to turn her and her family's lives upside down.