- France 3 is, meanwhile, bringing us a two episode mini series on Diane de Poitiers , who, endowed with insolent beauty and daring manager intermingling with politics, shares with Henri II , twenty years her junior, the most burning passion in the history of France. In so doing, she defeated two dangerous rivals: the so…
- Buttercup Bill is the psycho-sexual romance of Patrick and Pernilla- mutually obsessed soul mates clinging to childhood secrets. Closer to twins separated at birth than friends or lovers, they express love through sexual games of jealousy and subversion and seek escape from a reality they believe has no place for them.
- 贫困潦倒的弗兰克一家育有五子,第六个孩子也即将出生,另一对律师中产夫妇则无法生育,两家人开始了一场游走于法律暗面的交易。影片用悬疑片的类型桥段颇有新意地包装了人口贩卖这个旧主题,角色的阶层差异难掩人性共通,律师知法犯法更显无奈与讽刺。该片使用特殊的1.50:1画幅收紧了景别,聚焦人物表情与心理状态,凸显出法律秩序下的个体选择…