搜索 Ludovic

  • 一个夜黑风高的夜晚,在那一边荒地的庄园里,到处充满着恐怖与血腥。一群特别怪异的东西在那儿晃来晃去的,让人不敢靠近,原来这就是传说中的异形人类。在庄园主的带领下,由几个不怕异形的年轻人组成了一支特别敢死队
  • 大都会歌剧院高清转播系列在2009-08年乐季尾声,直播了普契尼的《波希米亚人》,采用的制作依然是意大利导演泽菲莱利的奢靡豪华版,第二幕场景动用了数百演员,在舞台上营造复原了一个巴黎拉丁区。该录影于2011年年底在上海大剧院作了国内首映。
  • 1941年墨索里尼派出意大利骑兵团协助德国入侵苏联。骑兵团在穿越广泛的苏联领土面积后到达一个荒芜的村庄,与当地居民建立了融洽的关系。不久,骑兵团接受命令离开,德国指挥官不相信意大利骑兵的存在的作用,骑兵团通过牺牲证明了自己的价值。
  • 17岁的朱利奥被母亲送到了寄宿学校,在这里上学的都是富裕家庭的孩子,与世隔绝,切断互联网和手机,自由活动被限制在几分钟内。   幸好在这里他遇到了爱德华,让他在这所寄宿学校的严酷纪律下得以生存,不再孤独,他们变得形影不离,开始计划逃离,然而实际上他们的一举一动都在监视之下...   —— 弯弯字幕组   —— 美剧叔
  • 米歇尔是一个喜欢幻想且沉迷于网络的在校生,并拥有一个自己的博客“班里最后一人”记录他认为有趣的各种事情。父母将他托付给一位性感的家庭教师,来改变他的糟糕的学业,这份挽救浪子的计划并未按父母预期的方式进行,因为他和女老师达成了一项协议:只要他能取得好的考试成绩,性感老师将会在他面前展现奥妙身材...
  • Brothers Martin and Simon, not yet teens, are incorrigible vandals; Martin runs away from reform school, Simon from foster homes, and they always find each other in a seacoast town of Lignan, where their destructive behavior is infamous. (It may date to their mother's leaving the family.) Martin is philosophical, roman…
  • To boost the dwindling sales of the magazine where she is an intern, Alice, 23, comes up with a nationwide competition to adopt Victor, 85 and alone in the world.Guillaume, his wife Sylvie and their kids win the contest and the cash that comes with it. They welcome Victor into their home, despite Sylvie's initial reluc…
  • When Homo sapiens turned up in prehistoric Europe, they ran into the Neanderthals. The two types of human were similar enough-intellectually and culturally-to interbreed. But as more Homo sapiens moved into Europe and the population increased, there was an explosion of art and symbolic thought which overwhelmed the Nea…
  • 结束了宇宙漫游,太空人回到地球讨生活。他打起领带,走进职业介绍所,央求办事员派给他「正常」的工作,然而太空人根深蒂固的无重力习惯,却一点也无法适应一般人的差事,无法融入的他,该如何继续地球人生?