搜索 Ludovic

  • While Hercules (Mickey Hargitay) is away, his people and the woman he loves are killed by the king of Ecalia. Hercules learns of the murder of his wife and seeks vengeance, only to learn that the kingdom from which the murderers came is besieged from within, by a usurper to the throne. Jayne Mansfield portrays the king…
  • 生命爱与死溶于森林覆盖的Jura山的严酷美丽之中,15年中,Alexarde全身心投入在父亲的锯木场中,Thomas为个人喜好不顾自己的离开与背叛,现在他们的父亲死了,Thomas成了个忙人,他没时间照看15岁的儿子,没时间归看要倒闭的锯木场,无法弥补疏远的兄弟之情,他没时间过以往的简单生活。在死亡随时有可能袭来的伐木工的生活中,生活因死亡而变得…
  • One winter day, Nena gathers her family in their seaside house to celebrate her birthday. Everyone is here: her husband Umberto, her children Vito and Caterina together with cousin Isabella, her daughter-in-law Adelina and former son-in-law Manfredi with his new fiancée Joana, her niece Alma, and the housekeeper Lucia …
  • Elisa and Eric are two teenage war orphans. They change their apartment on the outskirts of the city into a photo-studio to make a living, and they are very devoted to it. The two seem to live like heavenly beings without connecting to the outside world. Their only contact with the exterior is through Jacques, a loyal …
  • 喜剧片
    In a rural French town, twenty-something Teddy is scratched by an unknown beast and slowly undergoes frightening changes.
  • 《命运之力》是威尔第最辉煌的歌剧之一,故事发生在18世纪塞维利亚,侯爵禁止女儿莱奥诺拉嫁给南美贵族阿尔瓦罗。于是这对情侣准备私奔,却被侯爵发现,争斗中阿尔瓦罗误杀了侯爵。莱奥诺拉和阿尔瓦罗却在奔逃中失散。侯爵的儿子唐卡洛决定找到他们,为自己的父亲报仇。2017国际歌剧大奖年度导演克里斯托夫·洛伊,近年在英国皇家歌剧院佳作不断…
  • ★宛如单车版《飢饿游戏》! 首创全片以GoPro拍摄,激发你的肾上腺素★鬼才新锐导演雅可波荣迪内利,首部长片大胆开创义大利电影崭新娱乐类型★Netflix史诗影集《马可波罗》男主角罗伦佐瑞奇米,化身专业自行车手急速挑战高山峻岭之高危险赛道★曾执导艾米汉默主演的荒漠求生钜作《Mine》的义大利知名编导搭挡法比欧瓜瑠纳、法比欧雷希纳洛,联手…
  • the film by Pupi Avati, is set in the autumn of 1952.In the north-east the investigation into a murder trial of a teenager is underway, considered by the popular fantasy possessed.Furio Momentè ( Gabriele Lo Giudice ), inspector of the Ministry, leaves for Venice reading the minutes of the interrogations.Carlo ( Filipp…
  • 法國南部鄉邊,一個老實巴交的中年基佬,平日除了推銷農用器械便是找gay友打炮。平淡沉悶的生活在他碰巧救下了行遭侮辱的商場死對頭的女兒之後開始泛起不安的漣漪。少女16歲,正值懷春年紀,兩人無可避免的墜入瘋狂愛河,并私奔以逃離女孩家庭的困囿。一場荒誕不經的追逃戲在廣闊且滿溢生命力的茫茫原野展開。基佬面臨性向的重大轉變,少女被愛…