- Ken Dakota (Spiros Focás) wants justice for his brother Bill, who was killed by a notorious gunman named Stevens(George Eastman) for a map of a goldmine. The gunman on the other hand is arguing with gangster Malone (Horst Frank) about the …
- 热爱自由的高中生·纳村不道转学到了爱地共生学园,其校中正实行由武装起来的女生们对男生的冷血支配。纳村刚一转学,就被统率学园的天下五剑之一、使用鹿岛神传直心影流的「鬼瓦轮」盯上,并作为肃清对象被卷入了对决之中…以“无刀”反抗武装少女们的纳村不道会有怎样的命运!?此外,似乎与他有着因缘、谜团重重的女帝·天羽斩斩的秘密又是什…
- "Free Hand for the Tough Cop" is another wildly exiting, gritty and remarkably plotted 70's Euro-Cult cinema highlight, with a structure that is delightfully convoluted, wicked dialogs & action situations that rank amongst Italy's finest! Personally, I would even state this film is as good as on par with the …