搜索 Malini

  • 剧情片
  • 英国电影无声夜的翻拍版,当一个杀手出现在她家门口时,一个聋哑的女孩必须为自己的生命而战。
  • Maharaja Purshotam Singh rules over his kingdom justly and fairly. He lives in his palace with his wife, Ahilya, an adult son, and a new-born son, Ajay. His biggest concern is the evil Maharudra, who has taken it upon himself to conquer the region and rule over it mercilessly. Purshotam's armies are no match for Maharu…
  • Alibaba, (Dharmendra) a native of Guleba is in love with Marjina (Hema Malini). The town has a ruler, Abu Hasan. Guleban is terrorized by dacoits. Ali Baba hears the password to the door of the cave of the dacoits and takes a lot of jewels from the cave. His brother is killed by the dacoits as he forgets the password a…
  • 一个吸毒者家庭的纪录片故事是主要面对众多的儿童,和主角-一个11,今年的岁的男孩...... 电影是关于爱情的花朵,没有羞耻,在任何垃圾成堆,当它是,一切都无所谓。是的,生活因为这些人没有不希望到,但如果有任何偏见,他们的热情,这种生活自给,并认为,它的鬼脸,他们是相当满意的生活,并说她并不实际拥有的生活和。不管投机的估计,我们…
  • 长期受苦受难的女继承人西塔被嗜财如命的姑妈虐待得比仆人还不如。与此同时,她失散多年的双胞胎妹妹吉塔却成长为一名勇敢的街头艺人。一天,两个女孩无意中互换了位置。
  • 塔古尔(桑吉夫·库马尔 Sanjeev Kumar 饰)是一名警察,逮捕了强盗头子格博尔(阿姆贾德·汗 Amjad Khan 饰),哪知道格博尔在坐牢期间越了狱,并且对于塔古尔一家人实施了报复。塔古尔全家都惨死在了格博尔手下,塔古尔自己也失去了两只手臂,只有儿媳妇拉塔(贾雅·巴杜里 Jaya Bhaduri 饰)逃过一劫。虽然身受重伤,但塔古尔当然不会就此罢…
  • 剧情:萨克特·雷姆(Saket Rem)与妻子的婚姻生活原本十分幸福美满。然而不幸的是,当时的印度处于宗教派系纷争不断极度动荡的年代,宗教暴力的阴影一直笼罩在他的生活中。在一次印度教信徒同穆斯林信徒的争斗中,他失去了深爱的妻子。出于义愤与为妻报仇的信念,雷姆加入了印度教极端组织,以对抗害死妻子的穆斯林教极端组织。在这个过程中,…
  • A story about the clash between urban entrepreneurs and local fishermen in Kalpitiya, a fishing village in Sri Lanka. The urbanites bring a business ethic of their own, with capitalistic tendencies; the local patriarch, Anton (Joe Abeywickrama) clashes with the urbanites, headed by Victor (Vijay Kumaratunge). When Vict…