- 朝廷与西域和谈期间,主战派四皇子公开祭奠阵亡将士,却遭到一群“诡狼”突然袭击。是西域的报复,还是主和派的指使,亦或还有其他神秘力量借机兴风作浪?白玉堂奉命调查“诡狼”案件,在闺友雨墨的帮助下,很快发现了所谓“诡狼”的真相,他们都是被傀儡术控制的人。随着调查的深入,幕后操纵“诡狼”的黑手渐渐浮出水面。与此同时,幕后黑手精…
- Norman Manea was born in Bucovina in 1936; both he and his family were deported to a concentration camp in 1941. He survived, became a writer, and emigrated from Romania to the West in 1986. Today he lectures and writes in New York. Such biographical information about the author is not revealed until well into the film…