- Forty-something Man-Child thinks he and his music has been discovered by a documentary film crew. The truth is, his parents are behind it, who are staging a Life Intervention.
- この店で、少女は大人になりましたその少女は、生まれて初めて愛を知った。世間から弾き出され、夜の街で底辺を彷徨っていた少女が、あるスナックの経営者夫妻に拾われ、店に集う常連客たちからも愛され、自分を取り戻して行く姿を描いたエロスドラマ。主演は「リベンジポルノ PAIN OF LOVE」でヒロインを演じた霧島さくら。
- "Chacas" Reyes, along with all his family and some neighbors, are chosen by NASA to go to Mars and fight a Martian invasion that threatens to destroy our planet.
- August, 1970: With Jim Morrison's ongoing Miami obscenity trial casting an ominous shadow over the band, The Doors flew to England to play the Isle of Wight Festival. Waiting for them at "The Last Great Festival" were over 600,000 fans who had already torn down the barriers, crashed the gates, and enjoyed per…
- The story of Julian Suarez, 29 going on 30, who loves women so much he can't have just one. Three in particular have caught his eye at the moment, Genny, voluptuous, rambunctious, romantic; Ingrid, posh, daring, sophisticated, and Maria, artful, salsa dancer, and it seems Mr. Suave might have just met his match with th…