搜索 Manz

  • A young African man must try every trick in the book in this attempts to win the heart of the most beautiful girl in his village.
  • 当她的弟弟计划抢劫时,一名被监禁的美国印第安人与另一名女子相爱。
  • 向西班牙弗拉门戈音乐和电影致意所拍的一部纪录片,将西班牙影史上伟大的弗拉门戈女演员和舞蹈家在电影中的表演剪辑组合成一起。能看到像Carmen Amaya和Imperio Argentina这样的弗拉门戈大师早期的很多经典片段。Following the international success of the "That's Entertainment" films, pr…
  • Zehn Jahre nach dem Tod von Rudi (Elmar Wepper) und Trudi (Hannelore Elsner) steht ihr jüngster Sohn Karl (Golo Euler) vor den Trümmern seines Lebens: Er trinkt, hat seinen Job verloren und lebt getrennt von Frau und Kind. Seine schwarzen …
  • 迈克尔·柯蒂兹是著名的匈牙利裔美国电影导演。他一生中执导了一百多部作品,是历史上最高产的导演之一。他凭借《喋血船长》(1935)、《罗宾汉历险记》(1938)、《春闺四凤》(1938)、《胜利之歌》(1942)、《卡萨布兰卡》(1942)五度提名奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖,并最终凭借《卡萨布兰卡》获得该奖项。影片《柯蒂兹:卡萨布兰卡之父》改编…
  • Beautiful Prison is a heavily stylized, genre-blending narrative focused around a brain damaged man, who, after a violent accident, awakens with a restored intellect and a supernatural ability to control the happenings of his world. Tonally, Beautiful Prison plays in and out of several different genres: action, familia…
  • During the 90s, in the city of Valença (Rio de Janeiro state), three teenagers embark on a personal journey marked by the disillusion of the end of an era, sexual discoveries and Renato Russo's songs.
  • The idea behind Ya Rab is to show how Islam has been used as a tool to propagate terrorism. The film focuses on issues where so called self proclaimed Maulanas (Islamic Preachers) misinterpret The Quran and its real meaning to breed terrorists and terrorist activity. Ya Rab is a genuine effort to show the right face of…
  • 动漫少女
  • 霹雳娇娃之脱罪娇娃版
    Three gorgeous female convicts are paroled from prison to work for an unnamed federal agency. While saving the world, they take verbal pokes at anything and everything, and take absolutely nothing seriously, including themselves. Written by fgunther {knarf343@att.net}