搜索 Margine

  • 故事发生在罗马尼亚大革命的前夜。为了筹集资金购买武器,完成革命的最后准备工作,“革命者联盟”指示在布加勒斯特从事地下工作的巴伦西取出由施特劳保管了多年的一批财宝,把它交给一个代号叫“黄玫瑰”的同志。巴伦西接到指示后,同助手一起,几经周折,找到了施特劳的儿子,取出了财宝。在转送途中,他们碰见了女演员阿卡塔等二人,彼此结伴…
  • Edgar is living in the shadow of his wife's sudden death. Haunted by vivid hallucinations and a faceless city threatening to swallow him whole, Edgar's world begins to unravel as his nightmares become a reality and Edgar is left with a choice: prison or paradise.
  • 1. Some youngsters kill their teacher; but they won't tell their motivation. The police detective on the case feels some sinister influence behind the young murderers.2. About the search for an adult who pushed a classroom full of troubled teens to gang-rape and murder their female teacher. A hard-bitten Police Inspect…
  • 一场世纪瘟疫过后,地球上的人口骤减至可怕的少数群体。在这个群体中有一对夫妇,他们为生孩子的事情争论不休……
  • 艾瑞(Bank Prasongsup 饰)和同性男友交往多年,彼此之间感情十分稳定,深深相爱的两人希望能够共同养育爱情的结晶,他们想了一个注意,找来了一位女孩做他们的代孕妈妈。很快,一个可爱完美的宝宝降生了,取名为阿努(Freshy Tuangphop 饰)。艾瑞和男友沉浸在喜悦之中,然而好景不长,在一场意外中,男友不幸遇难,艾瑞在悲痛欲绝中独自承担…
  • Three university students, Adrian, Ninel and Anuca, try to cross the natural border over the Danube. This is the year 1949, when the communist regime is being rapidly enforced in Romania. The two boys are caught by the border police and end up in the forced labor camp of the Danube-Black Sea canal, where they endure a …
  • 恐怖片
  • 《永不中断的广播》讲述德军绑架了驻守布加勒斯特广播电台的罗马尼亚上校。然后狡猾的党卫军摩托化部队趁着黑夜,借着火车的开动作掩护,突然向广播站的罗马尼亚军队发起袭击。上尉毅然接过指挥权带领上兵们奋起还击,激烈地拉锯战。最后在外围的工人战斗队的支援下,罗马尼亚军队开始反攻。可惜上尉却被一个躲在地道里的德国伤兵冷枪打死。广播…
  • 第一次世界大战前夕,杜米特鲁接到父母亡故的消息后,回到穷乡僻壤的老家。富户格里戈尔的女儿卡特莉娜暗恋着他。杜米特鲁和出身贫寒的维罗尼卡青梅竹马,彼此相爱。因杜米特鲁出去后杳无音信,她就与忠厚老实的杨· 罗舒结了婚。杜回来后,他们仍然相爱,但已无法挽回。杜米特鲁和卡特莉娜结了婚。不久,战争爆发,杜、杨和村里的青年一起应征…