搜索 Marinca

  • 故事发生在一个不明的战争时代,城市成为废墟和荒野。一个女人从难民营逃出并踏上了危险的返乡之旅,旅途中她的向导被杀,只得付钱给一个脾气暴躁的暴徒作保镖陪她上路。一路上女人饱受战争记忆所带来的精神折磨,对未来希望的渴望支持着她坚持下去。路途上女人和保镖之间产生了微妙的情感联络,挽救了两个孤独的灵魂。
  • On the island Texel, Marie dreams about mountains; she collects postcards of mountains all over the world. She would love to do something else with her life, but as the only girls in a big poor family in wartime, Marie has no choice: she must marry Paul. The extreme religious and narrow minded population at the island …