搜索 McIntire

  •   二十多年前,「日冕女王号」在人人闻之色变的百慕达三角洲失去踪影,如今却突然神秘现身而被海岸防卫队发现;亚伦因父母为当年随船失踪的乘客,因而自此一心一意找寻「日冕女王号」的行踪,而事实的真相亦随著船上的乘客埋藏在百慕达三角洲里。 为了查出这神秘事件背后的原因,七个人登上「日冕女王号」的甲板做进一步的调查,但不久后便开…
  • The Clowns are back and this time its serious. While parked outside of Booties Bar and Grill in a stolen RV, our loveable Clowns witness the owner of Booties, Dick Dickerson as he sexually assaults one of his employees in his car. After Dick decides to push his side chick out of the car door and speed off, the Clowns a…
  • Dane Granger returns to her hometown for a funeral of a friend. While there she must face the demons of the past. There is madness, love, and loss as we journey with Dane to figure out what kind of person she truly is.
  • 警长Howell Brady来到印第安保留地希望创造和平,并利用迁徙来的塞米诺尔帮助美军对付不服从的基奥瓦部落
  • 布莱恩是个赛车老手,儿子麦可也不遑多让,两人在赛车场上都有杰出表现。当他们得知内华达沙漠举办超越极速比赛,而且还有巨额奖金可拿时,父子两人决定要大显身手。麦可在资格赛中,因求好心切,希望能突破一马赫的极限,却因此发生意外,人车皆受到损伤。但布莱恩父子依旧不屈不挠,经过休养之后,重新改装车辆,加上燃料喷射器,而他们的对手…
  • Bobby and Rose, two youngsters who are in love, have to run away from home when they are falsely accused to have committed a robbery and an assassination.
  • Sylvia is a young woman who is contemplating suicide. Her ex-husband Peter married her for money. When her father discovered this, he forced him to divorce her. Sylvia is in touch with Peter and wants him back. Peter calls her father and tells him that he will stay out of her life for a price. Sylvia's father tells her…
  • TheHelmet