搜索 McNeil

  • Agnes回到加拿大新斯科舍省的家乡与早已疏远的两个姐妹重聚,并照顾病危的母亲。在照料母亲时,家庭的秘密浮现出来,摧毁了原本脆弱的姐妹情意。
  • 剧情片悬疑
    故事发生在1944年的德国,一群德国士兵在盟军的乘胜追击之下被迫躲入了一座碉堡内。铂依曼(杰森·弗莱明 Jason Flemyng 饰)是连队里最不受待见的一个,即使到了这样的紧要关头,他依然是众人排挤和嘲讽的对象。除了克虏伯(西蒙·坤茨 Simon Kunz 饰)和司申科(安德鲁·蒂曼 Andrew Tiernan 饰)外,克鲁茨曼(埃迪·马森 Eddie Ma…
  • 剧情片生活
    奥麦莉是一名高级海军军官,同时也是一名带着两个孩子的单身母亲,她和高级将领同时也是战斗英雄的尼尔森建立了恋爱关系,但不久她发现尼尔森已经结婚了,并很快断绝了他们之间的关系,就在奥麦莉试图重新开始自己生活时,一天夜晚,她被一个持枪入侵者从睡梦中惊醒,经过搏斗,她开枪打死了那个人。 法庭判定她是误杀,但罪犯却是尼尔森,军方…
  • The goal isn't to live forever, its to create something that will. Leaping off of the events of Lost Cause, an experienced Spider-Man must grapple with the guilt of sectioning his old ...http://www.renrendianyingwang.cn
  • 我们虽已教会电脑“思考”,机器人说话,但是任何一项现代技术皆比不上已主宰地球数千年,用途最广的机器——人体。本节目要为观众导览人体结构,并利用电脑生成影像与放大摄影技术,披露人体的复杂功能,说明人类何以拥有看、闻、听、思考、动和痊愈等能力。节目中检视令人体无数细胞能够天天运作的原因。如果光是跟人打招呼,就必须牵动一百条…
  • Rob Grant and Mike Kovac receive a disturbing fan video inspired by their previous horror movie Mon Ami, motivating them to investigate the responsibility of filmmakers in portraying violence in movies. In their pursuit of the truth they are unwittingly introduced to the real world of violent criminals and their victim…
  • 科幻片生活
  • 我家的男孩们第一季
    PJ Franklin (Jordana Spiro) is a professional sportswriter looking for love within her world, which is dominated by her group of male friends. Her "boys" are her family, which sometimes hinders PJ's dating life, as the men she tries to date don't know how to react to her unconventional interests and the all-i…
  • 宝贝乐一通
    The characters of looney tunes are all babies and live with granny.
  • 欧美剧喜剧
    Sky确认旗下的黑色幽默新剧《爱人们》,日前正式在贝尔法斯特开机。本剧来自《福斯特医生》和《纯粹》背后的出品方Drama Republic,找到了许久不在英剧里出现的《性爱后遗症》男主Johnny Flynn与早前领衔了喜剧《清醒时分》的Roisin Gallagher联袂出演。   剧中,Roisin饰演一名超市的工作人员“Janet”,她对包括自己生活在内的一切事物…