搜索 Sechler

  • A small Midwestern town is turned upside down as its local sheriff finds himself hunting for a missing young man. The young mans wife is at the mercy of her community and its law enforcement to help her find him and in the process it seems the body count is rising throughout the hunt. The young man finds himself in a s…
  • When they were christened in 1972, the twin towers were the largest buildings ever built – and they survived 23 years without any major incidents. Discover how the World Trade Center towers were built, how they survived a terrorist attack …
  • 我们虽已教会电脑“思考”,机器人说话,但是任何一项现代技术皆比不上已主宰地球数千年,用途最广的机器——人体。本节目要为观众导览人体结构,并利用电脑生成影像与放大摄影技术,披露人体的复杂功能,说明人类何以拥有看、闻、听、思考、动和痊愈等能力。节目中检视令人体无数细胞能够天天运作的原因。如果光是跟人打招呼,就必须牵动一百条…
  • 纪录片战争
    http://www.easyaq.com/video/803.html   详细介绍了网络战的现状,并警告我们现在已经进入了新的由国家力量支持的网络战争的军备竞赛之中。目前,每个人都理所应当地认为各个国家都拥有国家级网络武器,它们正在变得更 加高端复杂,从监听侦查行为向破坏行为发展。   全球网络暗战正在升温,而赌注也不再局限于电脑的虚拟世界。现在 ,部…
  • 1945年初,第二次世界大战在欧洲和太平洋地区混乱地结束。纳粹德国、日本岌岌可危,希特勒躲藏起来,盟军步步紧逼,整个世界都在看着世界开始转向。战争的最后100天是不可预测的。   May 8, 1945. As Europe celebrated the defeat of Germany and the Third Reich, the battle against Japan halfway…
  • 抽空百慕大三角洲