- The movie will be about Michael Rivers, who is a skilled martial artist and is forced to fight in an illegal fighting tournament in order to save his daughter. Along his journey he discovers other martial artists have been forced to fight to save their loved ones. 这部电影讲述的是迈克尔·里弗斯(Michael Rivers),他是一位熟练的武术家,为了拯救他的女儿而被迫…
- 根据Tracey Wigfield经历改篇,讲述来自新泽西的母亲,由于母女关系岌岌可危,因为到了女儿工作的有线新闻台,当起一名实习生。 Andrea Martin扮演Carol,善良唠叨乐观但无趣的妈妈,她没上过大学,为了养育女儿放弃了事业。在朋友的葬礼上,听了追悼词受到了启发,她决定追求自己的梦想,去了她女儿工作的有线电视新闻台当起了实习生。因为她的…