搜索 Melnikova

  • 一个居无定所的人在生活的压力下铤而走险,被迫成为警察引出连环杀手的诱饵。
  • 影片讲述了一个小男孩一天的奇遇。曾经在电影频道六一节特别节目播出过。巴甫利克是个六岁的小男孩,他的双亲望子成龙心切,一心一意欲将他培养成他们想象中的强人。父母强制巴甫利克学习音乐、绘画、化学、物理甚至瑜伽,不许巴甫利克放松自己一刻。一日,巴甫利克被姥姥获准外出,一天的自由行动使巴甫利克打开眼界。他对批评他的父母大喊:我…
  • A Russian outpost in Eastern Siberia comes under threat of attack by the Japanese in this patriotic film from 1935. Aerograd is a new town with a strategically located airfield of vital interest to the government. Work on the new outpost is complicated when tensions develop between workers and a religious sect. The sec…
  • 邪恶旋涡
    A group of investigators finds murdered teenagers in a city collector. Unraveling this case step by step, the police faces an unconditional evil - a whirlpool of a big city, which sucks and destroys the weak - those whom no one loves and does not care for. This evil destroys people with impunity, and each of the charac…
  • The former world champion Slavik Kryklyvyy is making his comeback with his younger partner and girlfriend Anna Melnikova - a comeback that turns out to be much more painful than he expected.Slavik (34) is making his final comeback as a professional dancer. When he came on the scene, he was the fastest rising star in th…
  • Этот фильм называют кинороманом, что представляется достаточно точным определением. Рассказ о достоинстве человеческом, прошедшем через множество катаклизмов и противореч…