搜索 Menez

  • Theo is a young man trying to find a decent job, but his association with a criminal past makes it difficult. He meets up with an old classmate and together they come up with a plan to make things right.
  • 影片聚焦韩国全州的潜水女性——“海女”身上。影片用速写动画的手法展示了岛上的七种常用表达,也着重强调了口语发音的音乐性。
  • 切婆婆是街边熟食小贩,苦苦经营只得微薄收入,还要给警察交保护费。智障的塔玛拉仅能勉强照顾自己,亲人都舍她而去,寂寞时就捉蜥蜴回家饲养。塔玛拉有天顺手抱了个可爱女婴回家,给她起名“瓢虫”,却不懂如何照料。邻居梅切偶然发现了这个从天而降的娃娃,担心塔玛拉会被控拐带,一边教她带小孩,一边想法子替女婴寻回父母,塔玛拉却已忘记了…
  • 拉丁乐团最玩世不恭的女歌手,她曾是墨西哥传奇女画家芙烈达卡萝的闺蜜情人、和好莱坞女神艾娃嘉纳有过一段情。她是大导演阿莫多瓦的音乐缪思、拉丁乐坛史上最玩世不恭的灵魂歌者。她是每唱一次歌,就要死过一次的查维拉·瓦尔加斯(Chavela Vargas,1919-2012)。江湖流传她的八卦太辛辣。她不畏保守风气,一反唱片公司为她塑造的大家闺秀形象…
  • Shannon and Allan are about to embark on one amazing road trip. Nothing can dampen their spirits... except for maybe the fact that their new GPS is actually an Alien Robot, sent to take over their bodies! Can the boys escape from the Robot's soul-sucking clutches? Or will they have to rely on each other to save themsel…
  • The film shows us a distorted reality that would be seen only through the main character. The character in his paranoid delusion imagines an unreal story to fit your deepest desires where there is a representation of multiple personalities that coexist within a single entity.
  • There is a reality television crew that shows up at the motel. They are from the show, Ghost Encounters. They ask the owner for permission to video in search for ghosts. The owner of the motel gives them a tour of the place and tells them stories of murders and deaths that have taken place at the motel. He also shares …