- As Theo and Celeste play a game of 'would you still be my friend if' to test their new friendship, their hypothetical questions become reality, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and strongest yearnings.短片是由澳大利亚导演Hannah Dougherty为2018在悉尼举办的TED所作。在片中,两位主演的关系并不是恋人,但对方都是对于自己十分重要的人。此次在短片里,导演便别出心裁的让两位主演玩儿了一个游戏,为的就…
- There is a reality television crew that shows up at the motel. They are from the show, Ghost Encounters. They ask the owner for permission to video in search for ghosts. The owner of the motel gives them a tour of the place and tells them stories of murders and deaths that have taken place at the motel. He also shares …
- 树木茂密的原始丛林迎来了寒冷的冬天,厚厚的白雪覆盖了森林的每一个角落。猪小弟(梅尔·布兰克 Mel Blanc 配音)在树干上钉了许多个警示木牌,上面写着“禁止钓鱼”“禁止烟火”“禁止打猎”“禁止设陷阱”等字样。小动物们看了之后欢欣鼓舞,一起为猪小弟鼓掌。可是没过多久,就有一个邪恶的家伙涉足森林,他藐视所有的警示标志,将魔爪伸向…