搜索 Merril

  • "The Brak Show is a story of a neighborhood. It's the story of a family. It's the story of what happens when adults have children and those children go to school. And Brak is in it. He lives in a house. A house on a quiet street not unlike yours or mine. A house in a neighborhood. That's The Brak Show." So go…
  • Following success as a late night talk show host, Space Ghost recruits Brak (now somewhat brain-damaged) to his cast for his very own variety show. Zorak (from Coast to Coast) serves as the third host. Written by Joe Pranevich {knight@wwaves.com}
  • 喜剧片动画
  • Meryl Streep早期出演的一个舞台剧。
  • 12岁的艾玛所居住的小镇正想方设法要将镇上的狗捉光。为了与禁狗令作斗争,艾玛必须在圣诞节庆典上,用各种各样的狗来打动人们的心灵。这些可爱、顽皮的圣诞狗能否赢得大人们的喜爱,使他们改变初衷呢?
  • 未来某时,东西方国家停止发展军队和核武器。为了解决彼此间的争端,一个名为“和平游戏”的解决方式取而代之。该游戏由中立国瑞典承办,通过电视向全球直播,对战双方为以中国为代表的东方军团和美、苏、英、德等国家的联合国军团。两军将领同处一室,向自己的士兵发号施令,指挥战斗,而背后的电脑系统全程监控游戏的进行。一名东方女战士不慎…
  • 曾在西班牙杀过人的水手Michael O'Hara(奥逊·威尔斯 Orson Welles 饰)回到了纽约,一天夜里他在路上救了遭到打劫的美女Elsa(丽塔·海华斯 Rita Hayworth 饰),于是Elsa让她的丈夫,律师Arthur Bannister(埃弗雷特·斯隆 Everett Sloane 饰)找到Michael,让他来船上当水手。Bannister一家刚从上海回到纽约,正要坐船前往旧…
  • 由马克吐温的作品改编的电影有七百多部,仅哈克芬就有五六个版本。这个1960年上映的版本来看。跟《汤姆索亚历险记》比起来,哈克芬明显背景浓厚的多。汤姆顶多需要对付一下唠叨的波利姨妈,翘课逃学离家出走追女孩,一个典型的叛逆期小孩;而哈克则要受父亲打骂,带着一个逃跑的黑人奴隶跟几乎所有遇到的大人们斗智斗勇,要不是有点儿小聪明,早…
  • A man finds he can tun invisible after taking a invisibility serum drug. He then gets himself into lots of racy antics.
  • With the plug about to be pulled on his late night talk show after a fifteen year run, and his wife engaged in a steamy affair with a pro baseball star, host Jack West is desperate - to keep aflame his fading celebrity, and avenge the misdeeds of his adulterous spouse. With the clock ticking, Jack concocts the mother o…