搜索 Merril

  • 美国1987年迪伦沃伦执导的R级恐怖片简介:萨拉是一个很自卑的女子,她自觉相貌丑陋,一直渴望自己变得恬迷人,碰巧她看到一本古魔法书,书中说只要你对着镜子,点燃蜡烛许愿,一切都可以变成现实,于是萨拉照作了,可是不幸的是引来镜中的鬼魂...
  • 太空大侠之天上地下唯我是听
    Space Ghost in his 40's is no longer a super hero, and now he even goes by his real name Tad Ghostal. However to remain in the spot light he has started his own late night talk show filmed in outer space. With his co-host and former villian Zorak, and his director Moltar they interview celebs on earth through their vid…
  • 走遍美国
  • 泰山的地盘被坏人袭击,心上人珍被抢走卖为努力。泰山头部受伤患了失忆症,最终恢复记忆的他展开复仇,击败了敌人将珍解救。与其他泰山默片相比,《猛虎泰山》的情况比较特殊,它在拍摄阶段还是一部默片,但上映时其部分内容被配了音。因此虽然本文将其归为默片,但也可以算作是首部有声泰山电影。《猛虎泰山》既是麦瑞尔的第二部泰山电影,也是…
  • The heroism of the 189 Texans, Tejanos and settlers who defended the besieged Alamo fort for 13 days against the Mexican army of General Santa Anna is recreated in Alamo: The Price of Freedom. Although the Alamo fell and the defenders were slain, the memory of the battle served as a rallying cry in the fight for Texas'…
  • Filmed on location ,Legacy portrays the moving story of early Latter-day Saints’ joys, sacrifices , hops, and trails ;their epic journey to the Salt Lake Valley; and their legacy of faith in Jesus Christ .
  • Ted Franklin is a reporter who is assigned to cover the trial of an Arab leader accused of murder. His stories about the Arab leader's guilt win him international acclaim. When his stories begin to stress the Arab's innocence he loses his prestige. When the Arab is found guilty and executed, Frank is fired and humiliat…
  • 一个美国青年深受联邦税务局的欺压,愤而以武力对抗。影片的末尾以哈里从一片废墟中伸出有力的拳头而结束。然而在现实生活中绝大多数的枪杀案都是以悲惨的结局给人们留下深深的哀叹和沉思。