搜索 Micky

  • 恐怖片惊悚
    当一名幼儿园老师——亚米·高塔姆绑架了 16 名小学生并提出一系列要求时,不仅震撼了孟买警察和城市,而且在全国及其政界人士中引起了反响。
  • 纪录片历史
  • One man, tired of how life works, takes back the streets. No one is safe when the hunter comes around. Not prostitutes or gang members. He is the hunter, he has the hat.
  • Jimmy Carr hosts the first of three special editions of the Big Fat Quiz series, beginning with an irreverent look back at the almost unrecognisable decade of the 1980s when the Tories were in power, the whole world tuned in to watch a Royal wedding and it looked like war in the Falklands was inevitable.Who sang while …
  • 一个年轻的大学生因为不想让女友在假期参加政治学习班,而在明信片上开了一个小小的玩笑,这让他的一生付出惨痛的代价:开出党籍、开除学籍、被罚去矿区服苦役,在社会上遭受着"另类“的待遇。15年后,世事沧桑,当这位大学生获释,巧遇曾迫害过他的党小组组长时,他本想以勾引他的妻子来报复,没想到反而帮了这位另结新欢的小组长一个大忙…
  • Three children at play: a boy interested in war games and being in charge, a young girl who has tired of his domination and wants to fix him a pretend meal, and a newcomer, an older girl willing to cater to the boy but also mature enough to use her feminine attractions to gain her own control. The story ends with the y…
  • 宇宙から降ってきた隕石の放射能の影響で、不思議な能力を身につけた戦国浮浪児のはなれ猿の佐助が、成長して猿飛佐助となり、八百長だらけの大阪冬の陣、夏の陣を暴れ回る奇抜痛快活劇!! 監督は「丹下左膳 乾雲坤竜の巻」の加藤泰。まるで漫画のような奇想天外なストーリーが楽しめる、空想アクション・コメディです。関ヶ原の決戦で戦場泥棒を…
  • 法国喜剧片。戈兰是郊区一个游手好闲的青年,梦想拍摄一部自己的电影。一天早上,他的一个朋友偷了一部35厘米的摄像机,于是他召集了人马开始拍片。本片的广告标语是:“本片全部使用偷窃器材在博比尼拍摄。”