搜索 Mikhajlov

  • World War I is coming to its end. Prisoners of war are coming into the town with Serb Ivo among them. During one of his escapes from the camp, he finds himself in a private garden. There he meets Lisa, the wife of the town-major - a severe and heartless colonel. She is sad, lonely and her meeting with the Serb develops…
  • 第一次世界大战前夕,俄国工人运动风起云涌。60多岁的女人瓦萨精明能干,丈夫日列兹诺夫是个大船主,拥有百万家私。由于多次强奸幼女.日列兹诺夫被法院起诉。瓦萨在行贿无助的情况下,为了家庭名誉和儿女前途,强迫老头子服毒自杀。由于内部矛盾、争权夺利以及荒淫的生活不可挽回地造成了家业的败落。瓦萨的儿媳拉舍尔是个革命者,她为接走儿子…
  • 剧情片剧情
    这是一部根据托尔斯泰的《安娜卡列尼娜》改编的小说。卡列宁和安娜是十九世纪俄国上流社会的一对夫妻。安娜拥有非凡的美貌,万种风情。后来,安娜和风流倜傥的渥伦斯邂逅了。渥伦斯的炙热爱情点燃了安娜心中沉睡已久的激情,两人不顾一切的相爱了。卡列宁当然无法容忍安娜的这种行为,但是安娜为了这段爱情,选择了奋不顾身,不惜一切代价。  …
  • Natasha and her grandfather live in a cottage near Moscow, making hats for Madame Irène. Madame and her husband have told the housing committee that Natasha rents a room from them; this fiddle gives Madame's lazy husband a room for loungin…
  • 卡塔亚(塔季扬娜·阿克休塔 Tatyana Aksyuta 饰)跟着母亲(伊琳娜·米罗什尼琴科 Irina Miroshnichenko 饰)搬到了一个新的社区,在这里,卡塔亚结识了和自己同龄的罗曼(尼基塔·米哈尔科夫 Nikita Mikhalkov 饰),卡塔亚和罗曼即是邻居又是同学,没过多久,两人之间就熟络了起来成为了好友,再过了一段时间,这份真挚的友情逐渐转变成为了…
  • Фильм о подростках и для подростков, о бесконечных стычках между «белыми» и «красными» на фоне голода и разрухи революционной России эпохи гражданской войны. Случайная встр…
  • A young aristocrat, Aleksei Fedyashev, is languishing in his family's country estate, spending his days reading poetry and confessing his love... to a statue. Upon hearing that famous Count Cagliostro is touring Russia and has created quite a buzz in high society with his "magic", he decides to ask the Count …