搜索 Mikheil

  • 1941年,德军占领了炼钢工人阿廖沙的故乡,掠走了他的爱人娜塔莎。曾经受过斯大林接见的阿廖沙参加了红军,走上了战场。经过顽强的连续激战,红军击溃了法西斯驻柏林守军,一举攻下希特勒老巢柏林,取得了反法西斯卫国战争的最后胜利,一对恋人终在柏林团圆......影片以点带面,从一个普通人物遭逢战争的磨练开始讲起。1941年,德军占领了炼钢工…
  • По роману Проспера Мериме «Maтео Фальконе».
  • 1944年,女孩艾米丽失去双亲后来到苏联驻芬兰的海军基地工作。英雄的潜水艇船长马立尼带领部队及其战舰凯旋归来,受到国家的英雄称号和驻地官兵的热烈欢迎。艾米丽第一眼就爱上了他。马立尼从未注意过她的存在,他和一个瑞典女子打得火热。为图一夜之欢,马里尼手下不幸牺牲。而国家安全局的人早已经对马立尼展开调查,欲以他的家庭背景为由置他…
  • 这是斯大林的御用导演Mikheil Chiaureli在1950年获斯大林奖金(《攻克柏林》www.douban.com/subject/1790593/)之后,继续为领袖服务的成果。依然由Mikheil Gelovani饰演斯大林,I. Molchanov饰演列宁。在这部影片中,列宁在关键时刻举棋不定,是依靠了斯大林同志,才取得了最后的胜利。和《攻克柏林》一样,其中的情节大多属于“艺术虚构”。值得…
  • 影片从1924年列宁逝世开始一直讲到1941年苏德战争爆发,以一个普通家庭的变迁为线索,全景式地讲述了苏联在斯大林的领导下实现工业化的伟大历程。
  • Действие фильма происходит в XVII веке. Еще во время свадьбы своего друга Гугуа Онисе понял, что любит его жену Дзидзию. Но он поклялся быть ей братом и оберегать ее. Дзидзии то…
  • This is the story of Mitja, a young doctor, who chooses to work in the middle of nowhere, to help the people who are forgotten by God. He lives and works in the steppe, which seems empty and deserted. But every day he has patients coming in his homehospital: one man’s heart stops after heavy drinking, another comes wit…
  • 1917 was the year. The interim government sends all new trains soldiers to the German front. The soldiers want peace and refuse to go on the offensive. Bolsheviks were preparing for an uprising. Day appointed. October 7 heard a volley from the cruiser "Aurora". Above the city rises the Great glow.
  • 讲述十七世纪的格鲁吉亚国家四分五裂,面临被奥斯曼帝国占领的危险,民族英雄乔杰率领人民和军队抵抗土耳其人,目的是建立一个完整统一的格鲁吉亚国家
  • This lyrical comedy tells the story that happened in a Georgian village, and shows the lives of ordinary and good citizens of Georgia. Main heroine of the film Makvala recently graduated from college sewing. Now she returns to the native village, in order to improve his life.Makvala believes that even the inhabitants o…