搜索 Miori

  • 皮爾身為林地經理人,受雇砍伐山林並為了賺錢將大量有毒化學物倒入土壤,土地受到污染後對居民造成很大的傷害,民眾群起抗議。同時皮爾也愛上了其中一名激進社運份子,利益與真心之間,他該如何做出選擇?
  • 故事背景设定在迪士尼·皮克斯的《心灵奇旅》之前。22违反了生之来处的规则,拒绝去地球,招募了另外五个新的灵魂来试图反叛。然而,由于同伙们的活动导致了意料之外的结果,22的颠覆性密谋实际上可能会意外揭示出生命的意义。
  • なぎさにて
    VR A couple enjoy their holiday drinking on the beach. After they doze off, the weather starts to change. A large, dark figure lies on the beach when they wake. Pretty soon, more and more people feel the need to interfere. By the Shore is a virtual-reality portrait of group dynamics. As a viewer, you are right at the…