搜索 Momčilo

  • 白晝將盡,步入良夜,四周有風,有大海,其實已一無所有。珊雅在遊輪工作,因為失業,幾乎在陌生城市露宿街頭,決定返回黑山老家。家鄉有曾經象徵繁榮昌盛的大型船廠,如今宣告破產,工人丟掉飯碗,小鎮居民陷於愁緒之中,珊雅想重建家庭,卻見處處衰敗零落。新晉導演薩拉迪寫家鄉困境,倒是另闢蹊徑,刻意跳過戲劇衝突,強調氣氛營造,冷眼凝視…
  • A young woman and man are riding bikes through nature, having a good time. When she speeds up, he loses her, and after a while he stumbles across her bike without any trace of her. He stumbles through the forest looking for her, imagining how she kisses him.IMHO, this is just a weak, pathetic attempt to be poetic and s…