搜索 Najwa

  • 西班牙家庭题材影片。Leo,Alicia与Dafne原本是一个普通幸福的家庭,直到妻子Alicia突然死于癫痫病发作,留下了Leo独自带着幼女生活,性格保守、惧怕同性恋的他对接下来发生的一切不知所措。   阿切罗·马尼亚斯是从演员转行的导演,2000年他的处女作《弹丸男孩》在西班牙国内引起巨大反响,获得了最佳影片在内的四项戈雅以及一项欧洲电影奖,…
  • The story of a son who is afraid of everything. Overwhelmed by his dull life, one day he decides to flee. He starts a journey to nowhere, living other lives. And he finds out that if one day you no longer want to grow, it's not all that bad. You just have to learn to fly, to fly far away. It's a story about taking impo…
  • 爱娃、伊涅丝和卡门是一家私家侦探社的女侦探,她们在寻找失踪人口、捉拿通奸配偶、监视不诚实的职工或担任工会干部的职工等业务上轻车熟路,但自己的私生活却处理得不很理想。爱娃生下第二个孩子之后,重新开始私家侦探毫无规律的工作,她的丈夫接到一些神秘的电话,她开始疑神疑鬼。卡门因为多年调查配偶通奸案,变得坚强冷漠,她宁愿对她栽种…
  • 奥斯曼太太是个女强人类型的人,然而她的强硬做法却也无法应付失业和贫困。丈夫和儿子先后躲开她去了法国,奥斯曼太太靠房屋出租补贴生活。唯一的女儿爱上自己贫穷的老师纳塞尔,奥斯曼太太不同意这桩婚姻,故意冷落纳塞尔母子。
  • "In life, we first organize large stones (Piedras) such as love, friendship, family, and a career." In this way, we will find space between these to fit smaller stones, our small necessities. If you act in an inverse way, you will not have the room for larger stones. The five protagonists of my film are women…
  • In the midst of the civil war, a Shiite man from West Beirut and a Christian woman from the east of the city try to see each other one last time before she emigrates to the US. Newly restored, a film that has lost nothing of its topicality.